Mobile transparent

Mobile transparent
acrylic glass, painted wood, metal and nylon thread
150 x 150 centimeters

The work from the limited series "Continuels Mobiles" are grids made up of a collection of multiple small plastic or metal squares in suspension on a medium in order to form either a mural relief or a round-bump sculpture, such as "Mobile Transparent" (1962-1996). Like Robert Morris's parallelepiped "Cloud" (1964), LE PARC's work is suspended high in the air, floating almost like a cloud, here with an intensely vibrating internal prismatic structure. The numerous elements of a "Continuel Mobile" (1962-1996), even with their lack of internal 'composition', are nevertheless set into motion by the tiniest change in the air currents, a truly Calderan action. LE PARC's use of reflected light distinguishes his work from that of CALDER and brings a new level of complexity. Light is indeed trapped in the structure, multiplied and diffused in every direction. These beams of light are then projected throughout the exhibition hall, turning it into a panoptic screen.