Ensemble de onze jeux surprise
Lunettes pour une vision autre

Ensemble de onze jeux surprise
wood, plexiglas, plastic, motor, etc.
190 x 390 centimeters

At the time of 'May 68' and its iconoclast audience, spectators were being prepared to get involved in both the future of the work and the community, just as they were in previous projects by the GRAV (such as the "Labyrinthes" where it was written that the public was 'forbidden not to touch' the work and "Une Journée dans la Rue" in 1966).This piece is made out from different 'games' invented by LE PARC, involving reflection, movement and optic effects.

Lunettes pour une vision autre
plastic, inox, glass
5 x 14 centimeters

Even though "Lunettes pour une Vision Autre" (1965) and "Miroirs"(1966) fly in the face of traditional painting, they won LE PARC the Grand Prize of painting in Venice Biennale in 1966. They can be considered true 'individual environments' (J. Clay) since they use various forms of displacement, distortion, diffraction, and fragmentation, to alter the entire world around them, i.e. the architecture of the venue, the other works, and the other visitors.