Cloison à lames réfléchissantes
Trame en mouvement virtuel

Cloison à lames réfléchissantes
steel, aluminum
232 x 277 centimeters

LE PARC attempts to go beyond the laws of perception and geometry so as to translate the destruction of form and light within the phenomenological space. "Cloison à Lames Réfléchissantes" (1966-2005) as the "Relief avec Plaques Réfléchissantes"(1966) is made of parallel, slated structures of vertical polished stainless steel blades. In-between objects or screens, these sculptures not only reduce vision. Because of the multiple reflections playing on their surfaces, these partitions often offer a dislocated, multiplied, and accelerated vision of what is happening behind them, whatever your view point.

Trame en mouvement virtuel
wood, paint, mirror
204 x 247 centimeters

Like "Instabilité par le Mouvement du Spectateur" (1962-1964), work that was shown in 1965 in "The Responsive Eye" exhibition at the MoMA, the Trame au "Mouvement Virtuel" (1965) is a monumental vertical relief with several hollows lined with mirrors which reflect, deform, multiply and contort a simple grid painted in white on black background, in relation with the body movement.